
Pennine Hikers Wool Socks

If there is one thing as a gardener that I really can’t stand, it is having cold feet.  Somehow cold hands and noses can be tolerated, but cold feet are really not good.

With that in mind I spend most of late summer looking for lovely, thick woolen socks which will help me through the colder months, but they do have to be the right thickness.  Too thick and I can’t get my work boots on and too thin and my feet swim around in my wellies.

Since I have come across these salted wool sooks, there is no other sock for me, perfect thickness, warm, coupled with gorgeous colours and the fact that they are knitted at various small mills in the UK, from traceable British wool, makes them my sock of choice.

We offer  5 new colours (in order as per the main photo from top to bottom)

  • Fox – rich copper brown
  • Stone – pale grey
  • Loch -pale blue
  • Kelp – deep yellow-green
  • Clover — deep pinkish red

They come in three sizes   S/M (4-7); M/L (8-10); XL (11-13)



Stone, Fox, Kelp, Loch, Clover


S/M (4-7), M/L (8-10), X/L (11-13)